Making Baby Sammann

Mesquite, TX (US)
Created 6 months ago
Fertility Treatments

Making Baby Sammann

by Asa Sammann

Rated 0 out of 5
  • $30,000.00

    Fundraiser Goal
  • $295.00

    Funds Raised
  • 0

    Days to go
$295.00 raised of $30,000.00 Goal
The campaign is successful.
Mesquite, TX (US)

Asa Sammann is organizing this fundraiser.

Campaign Story >

Campaign Story


Hi there,


We are Asa and Ashleigh Sammann. After struggling for years to get pregnant last year my wife went in for a cyst removal and hysterosalpingogram (dye test to see if her fallopian tubes were blocked) with the finding of one good tube and one “wonky tube” as she calls it. Her Dr then started us on an ovulation medicine as Ashleigh does not ovulate on her own. Lo and behold we got pregnant a few months later. In February of 2024 Ashleigh began to bleed heavily and was in a tremendous amount of pain, after begging her dr to see her we went in to confirm that she had an ectopic pregnancy that ruptured, she was then rushed to have emergency surgery where the doctor told us if we had waited another day she would’ve died. During surgery they could not save the fallopian tube so it had to be removed. Following the very traumatic experience of having an etopic pregnancy the surgeon closed a nerve in her incision causing her daily pain. After speaking with our doctor about all the challenges Ashleigh has ( a blood clotting disorder, PCOS, endometriosis, no left tube, and a higher chance of another ectopic) the best course of action for Ashleigh’s safety is IVF. The financial burden of advanced fertility treatments and ongoing medical treatments is overwhelming and beyond our means. We are asking our friends, families, and maybe some really kind strangers to help us achieve our dreams of having a baby. This is something we both have wanted for so long. Thank you for reading and considering our fundraiser.

All our love,

Ashleigh and Asa

Name Donation Date
Anonymous $20.00 September 23, 2024
Brenda Sammann $200.00 September 21, 2024
Trenton Little $25.00 September 21, 2024
Nikki Copeland $50.00 September 20, 2024
Nikki Copeland commented with a $50 donation about 6 months ago
Praying for you guys! Being a parent is the best gift!